Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Before I lived in Cape Town, going to school on a beautiful day was never an issue. In Sherman it was a bonus getting nice weather on the way to class. But now, living 20minutes from the most beautiful beaches in the world, it is torture going to class when the days are as beautiful as they have been! I know, I know I live a hard life ;) But anyway, second week of school was great. I didn’t get lost or miss class ☺ being a good student already! I dropped my iphone off at the iFix store to get unlocked so I can use it here. Glad it only took 8months to realize I could do that. No worries, my little 1930s nokia did me well last semester haha, sweet flashlight on top & all. Monday night was also the first UCT- Ikey Tiger home rugby game! Sadly we got there too late to get decent seats, but it was still fun to watch from afar! & best part is, the IKEY Tigers (our mascot) were wearing pink and baby blue jerseys! SO adorable ☺
Last weekend was such a great time! My roommates and I went to the Spier wine harvesting festival down in Stellenbosch! Only R60 to get in and we received a complimentary fancy wine glass that was soon filled with lots of different South African wines! Oh so tasty! We also got to mash grapes in a barrel with our feet! I have always seen people do it in the movies and have forever wanted to do that! Ah was such fun, live music tons of people and sunshine! The food was so delicious at the festival as well as the fabulous oysters! MMM they were so fresh and tasty!! The festival ended around 4 so after we went to the cheetah and bird sanctuary and walked around before we had to catch our train back to Cape Town. I have already done the cheetah petting when my mom came to visit and I will be going back with Brittany when she comes so I decided to just do the birds this time! We got to hold owls!!! They were so precious haha kind of creepy with huge eyes but it was really cool to see how they responded to their trainer. They were such well-disciplined birds! We eventually walked back to the train station and waited for an hour (mistakenly) for the next train. One it finally arrived we went to get on the first class side, because third class is super sketch and not safe but we didn’t realize it was at the front of the train! So we walked quickly to the first carts and as soon as we got to the door, they shut right in our faces!!! The train started to move and all of the sudden a red flying objects nails my room mate Sarah right in the forehead. Those 10 seconds may have been the most ridic, funniest ten seconds of my life haha needless to say that was an Epic FAIL lol. So we eventually had to call a cab and pay R500 to get home.

I’m just going to skip the apologies for not updating this thing in forever again :/ promise guys one of these days I will find time to keep it updated.. I know, I sound like a broken record haha but the past few weeks have been wonderful! Just busy with classes, rugby games, the beach, a few jols here and there oh and just a fantastically beautiful weekend in MOZAMBIQUE :D:D Yesterday (Monday) was a public holiday so gracious UCT gave us the day off and The amazing De Ricquebourgs invited me to go back to Mozam with them for the long weekend! I was so excited when I found decent priced flights!! I flew out of Cape Town Thursday evening after having an exam, and four assignments due the previous day! Ah was in need of a vacation (jokes) I know I don’t deserve one… it really does seem ironic taking a vacation from Cape Town.. actually it makes zero sense at all.. but hey ‘when in Rome’ ;) We left Durban early Friday morning around 5 am. There were five people in our car, four in the car in front and three in the car in the middle lol two more people met us there. What a fun bunch too! South Africans have got to be some of the nicest most fun people. I had an absolutely blast with all of them this weekend! It took us about 4 hours to get to the Mozam border where I got my 9th passport page filled: D YAY and the Visa was cheaper this time which was a pleasant surprise! Boy the sun was shining too!! Wow it was hot and beautiful!! It was so fun to be on those sandy ‘roads’ again! In Ponta… there are no such things as paved roads lol its all sand the whole way! That’s why you need a 4X4 to drive around there! It took us about 45mins from the border to get to the absolutely stunning beach house we stayed in the last time. Was just as gorgeous as we left it! The views from the balconies are indescribable!! Just miles and miles of the bluest sea I’ve ever seen meeting with large hills and white sand… ah definitely post card like. We arrived around half past ten and went straight to the beach layed under the bright sun and started the mission to be brown! Was such a lovely day out! Napping on the beach has got to be one of my favorite things to do! We went back to the house for lunch and then shortly after Roxi and I went straight back to the beach to top off the first nap haha. In need of a shower and to let my skin take a break from the sun (YES mom I was wearing SPF) lol we went back to the house for the third time. Freshening up was nice and as soon as I walked down the stairs, Leslie and Kaz were on their way back to the beach for a nice late afternoon walk. Obviously I joined, I mean really you can NEVER get too much of a Mozam beach EVER! Anyone who argues, must be a polar bear ;) Our walk was so nice and relaxing! Took a few photos and after a little while we headed back but were stopped along the way by Greg and a few of his mates who were staying at the house a few steps down from where we were staying. They were having a nice little party with music, dops (drinks) & a fantastic deckside view of the sea! We stopped off for a little while and had a few glasses of wine and chatted away! Was too fun, at one point an extremely intoxicated man ran up to the house. Naked. Covering his goods with a sandy tshirt hahah was absolutely ridiculous! He came from the house across the way.. it was a 50th birthday party.. no one asked questions.. just laughed because hey it’s MOZAM.. you can do what ever you want hahah We eventually made it back to our place feeling on top of the world lol The adults prepared a delicious supper and us youngsters went out to Ponta de Oura for a bit of a jol after supper! We tried to go to Fernandos first but sadly it was closed so we just headed to Pintos (the place I lost my camers last time ☹ ). It was quite empty but we grabbed a few drinks and some pool sticks and attempted a game of pool haha I will brag .. I hit the winning shot in ☺ haha we stayed for a little while and danced but decided to go home early so we could get up bright and early to take advantage of the beach!
8am breakfast came, & I had my breath taken away by the stunning view and sound of the sea right outside my window! To die for honesty! We packed up loaded the jetskis and headed to Ponta! What a fabulous day… sun shining bright, fresh fruit, biltong, warm water to swim in .. seriously paradise! There was tanning, beach wandering, more tanning, jet skiing , attempt at surfing, and sand between my toes. I couldn’t ask for more! About the attempt at surfing haha I really need to learn to be coordinated! All in all a perfect beach day! We didn’t stay all day as we headed back around 3 for lunch! My beach buddy Roxi and I went back to the beach by our house after we ate and napped a bit longer in the sun! We went to the Malangane market and walked around a bit after we got back and then met up with the adults for drinks at one of the local shabeens (hut bar) and watched the rugby! So fun! Supper was next on the agenda and MM was it tasty.. Perfectly cooked steak fillets, salad, veggies! Gosh I love home cooked meals.. especially from the braai! Seeing as it was Saturday night and most of the people on holiday for the weekend were jolling that evening of course we joined. We played a few games of President and Popo after supper, then moved to kings and after a few glasses of wine & savannah lights it was go time haha so just kidding mom.. well sort of ;) Off to Fernandos we went and WOW was it packed! I immediately blamed Fernando for making me lose my camera last trip in mozam & he just laughed and preceded to pour more rum into our R&Rs… You see peeps.. Fernandos is FAMOUS for their R&Rs.. its like 98779 parts rum and 1 part raspberry just for color ;) haha I was smart this time and only consumed a little more than half of one.. the perfect recipe for a good night! After our R&Rs we headed to Pintos and danced the night away! On the way home we all decided that a trip to the beach in the moon light was mandatory as well as little swim in the sea! AH was SO AMAZING!! Have never swam in the ocean at night… as stupid as it sounds because there were probably a billion sharks just chilling waiting to munch one of us .. it was such a cool experience! I have never done it before and was so relaxing to sit in the sand and just listen to the silence surrounds the mesmerizing sounds of the waves coming to shore. Very therapeutic haha my chi appreciated it so much!
Sunday morning came with breakfast & beach packing and off we went back to Ponta! Another fantastic sunny relaxing day! I took the jet ski for a spin and had a blast! Saddly it was our last day to ride it because we were leaving the following day! Swimming in the sea here is so much different than Cape Town’s ice cold water… ah its so relaxing just to float on your back and lets the little foamies roll over your hair. I seriously could live a happy life in Mozambique! We unloaded the cars and of course we headed back to our beach. This time we took golf balls and clubs! Was too fun! Not to long in the sun again because we were going to Club 360 which has a ‘360 degree view’ of Ponta Malangane & not to mention fab cocktails! Mm and aww haha love that place! Supper was seriously the most delicious meal I have eaten in a long time! After 360 we came back the boys braaied us ribs and we had salad and veggies … OH MY WORD I could bath in those ribs they were so delicious! Ending the night as usual with a little President & Popo then off to bed early for all of us! The last few nights were quite draining.. absolutely a great time but was definitely in need of a nice long sleep.
OOO Monday came so sad time to leave! We all headed to the Malangane beach for one last goodbye kiss to the sea & sand haha played around for about an hour then luck us we were served a fantastic brunch accompanied by the stunning view and the packing of the cars began. Its always hard to leave this place haha I speak from only having done it twice.. but it really is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. Im definitely going to miss waking up to great blue sea staring me in my face! There is nothing like eating a bowl of pro-nutro with that view ;) 5hours later and we were back in Durban! I spent the evening watching Greys Anatomy with Leslie and finishing an assignment that was due today that a nice friend of mine was turning in for me!
Sorry mom, I had to skip school today lol the plane tickets were much cheaper this way! I went to gym at half past 7 with Ruthie and Leslie.. sweat my brains and all the glasses of wine out from the weekend for 2hours. It was such a beautiful day in Durban that I layed in the pool on a floatie, napped and read my magazine for a few hours. Im so sorry to throw my tortures on you guys… just kiddng.. I know I am spoiled and don’t deserve this but I hope by sharing this with yall.. you can live vicariously though this blog. I promise I am so appreciative of all of these fantastic adventures I have had the opportunity to go on!!
Instead of napping on the plane I just wrote this ridiculously long blog so hopefully my family and friends know whats going on in my world today lol. Ill be back in Cape Town shortly & guess who is coming to visit in 5 days?! BRITTANY! AH still can not believe she is going to be here so soon! I can not wait! Booked the safari this afternoon! After she goes home ill update you guys on our adventures! Until then…. You can find me on the beach ;) Love & miss everyone!! xxxxx