Friday, August 27, 2010

Getting ready for Mid-term Papers!!

HI all :) hope everyone is doing fantastic back in the states (or where ever you are reading this) ;) This past week has just been full of school & LOTS of reading for my upcoming mid term papers!! EEEKkk a little nervous about those.. I have 3 due next week, one monday night, and two on thursday but then it's SPRING BREAK :) round one for me lol i get another when i get home!! But I'm getting so excited about it! We finalized our plans last night & just purchased the tickets for everything this morning!! Here is the plan:

Fly to Johannesburg: leaves at 6:25 am on Friday the 3rd
Then we would book the 7 day BAzbus pass ( here is the website, check it out, Really cool :)
The Bazbus picks us up from Pretoria at 7:30 am on Saturday and we would arrive in Swaziland at 5:15pm. We will be in Swaziland Saturday until Tuesday am... We then hop back on the Bazbus on Tuesday at 7:30 am and go to St.Lucia/ Zululand and we would arrive there at 12:45pm. We found a really cool safari there where we can see the Big 5 and it is less expensive than Kruger. Then Thursday at 12:45 pm the BazBus will pick us up and take us to Durban. We will arrive there at 5:15 pm and stay there until Saturday. On Saturday, we will fly out of Durban back to Cape Town.

:) YAY so excited!! I never thought that i would be going to Swaziland!! I wanted to go to MOzambique so bad but we couldnt fit it into everyone's budget so this was our back up but it still is going to be amazing!! :) I can't wait to go on a safari!!! It is so hard to get motivated to do school work with this trip coming up in a week lol!! But ill make it work!! So far i have been doing really well in school!! I have gotten a 75 & 72 (which are A+ in this country lol, weird grading system) on my first Gender papers & i have gotten a high marks on my Game theory tuts (assignments) as well :) It so cool going to school here though, so different from home :) good different though!! We have been so lucky with weather as well, it's gorgeous and in the 70s most of the time... flip flops, jeans & tank tops! LOVE it :) I am so excited for the warm weather though!!

Okayy, until next time, LOVE & miss you all :)

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