Monday, June 27, 2011

The End

Apologies to those of you who kept up with this blog… I’m so sorry.. I was a failure as a first time blogger! I guess I got so caught up in doing other things, it was hard to make time to sit down and type up entries… However I’m sitting at the airport in Amsterdam and I decided to write one final entry.

It has almost been a year and today is my first time to wake up not in Africa ☹ I have to say this feeling is a weird one… Please don’t get me wrong, I am beyond excited to see my family and friends after all of this time, but leaving my beloved Cape Town was so hard… I think I cried just as much as I did when I left for South Africa last July. It’s crazy how fast time goes.. & how quickly Cape Town became my new home. I’m going to miss it so much, as well as the family and friends I also had to leave behind! This experience would not have been the same with out them! Especially the De Ricquebourgs… what an awesome family they are and it was such a blast getting to be apart of their family this year. They definitely know how to have a good time ☺

As much as I want to sit here an list all of the amazing experiences and memories I have from my fabulous year in Africa, it would take another year just to list.. plus I think I’m planning (to attempt) to write a book about it! & Hopefully it will help others to see Africa in a different light than the usual dark/scary/dangerous place so many claim it to be. In my year here, I discovered the exact opposite! I fell in love with this place and am definitely planning to be back as soon as I absolutely can.. whether it is to live/study or maybe travel again ☺

So this is the last post ( not that there were many to begin with; SORRY) … To all of the people from South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mozambique, Rwanda, Swaziland & others that I was fortunate enough to meet.. THANK YOU! You have touched my life in more ways than you could ever imagine and treated me with such courtesy and made me feel welcome in that magnicificant place you call home. You all have opened my eyes and allowed me to really live over the past year! I will forever be thankful to you Africa and always hold you in a special place in my heart! I hate to say goodbye, but with the life skills I learned while in Africa for a year, I know this time ill be ready for my next adventure ☺ Bon Voyage Africa, it’s been one heck of a Jol <3

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