Monday, July 26, 2010

July 24, 2010

Today was so fun! We woke up early to go down to a town called Woodstock to go to the famous “Old Biscuit Mill” outdoor market!! It was so cool, tons of people everywhere with different little shops ranging from photography to jewlrey, clothes and furniture! There was a huge tent also that had tons of different veders selling all different sorts of foon! It was pretty close to heaven im sure J Kaitlyn & I split an apple strudel & a cinimon apple muffin, which were both to die for! We also had frozen coffees from this cool smoothy stand!! OMG it was delish!! There were lots of people with dogs walking around too, so cute! After we ate we all kind of split up to check out all the different shops! I got a scarf, two bracelets, a hat, and a ring, all fabulous!! Then I got one of the famous bloody mary’s that we have all been told about, and it was the cherry on top of the cake! Best Bloody mary EVER! This place was so neat, and they do this every Saturday morning from 9am – 2pm! I deffinately know where I will be spending my coming Saturdays J After the market we came home and I went for a run with two other girls up to campus! Def out of shape but it was fun and obviously beautiful running around Table Mountain! We found this great hill to that has a perfect view of the city from the top of Upper campus as well! After we did some pushups, haha yes im serious, we jogged down to the UCT rugby game to meet the other people from our apertmetn! It was cool to see my first in person rugby game! We didn’t stay for the whole match because it got pretty chilly in the shade but im definitely looking forward to the upcoming games!!

We all met at “El Fiesta” (yes that’s the real name haha should be La) and had pitchers of really bad margaritas and delish Mexican food! I had quesadillas, which were pretty awesome, but sadly I was so excited for rice & beans and they came out in tiny little ranch cups! Haha it was pretty funny but all in good fun, we had an awesome time singing happy birthday to Leya and Ahmad & everyone in the restaurant sang along with us!! After dinner we went out to a few bars and danced and had a great time them headed home!

July 25, 2010

Okay seriously this place blows my mind a different way every single day! We took a mini bus to this place called Mzolis for brunch to continue celebrating Leya & Ahmads birthdays! OMG this place was unreal.. I had the total wrong impression, because it is located in one of the town ships so I was a little nervous, but it was absolutely a blast & had the best food!! All the tables were outside under the patio & there was live music and beer and hundreds of people partying and having a blast! We grabbed a table & then four of us went inside to order for everyone! Its really cool because you go inside and pick out the meats , we picked out steak, sausage, chicken and lamb for 14 people & it was so cheap! Only 25 rand per person for literally a huge table sized bowl!! The food took about 45minutes to an hour to cook so we all grabbed beers and drinks and hung out and walked around the township a bit because they had some stands with different jewlrey, books, purses to buy. I bought a really cute home made journal & a sweet beaded key chain! When the food came it was so funny, because they just set this huge bowl of cooked meat in the middle of the table and everyone just grabs whatever! Haha No plates, silverware or napkins!!! It was so funny because everyone was covered in sauce lol but it was so much fun & SO DELICIOUS!!! They also served this white stuff with it, I looked like mashed potatioes but I think it was some kind of corn mill or something, it was so good as well! After we inhaled our food we went to the sinks on the side of the building to wash off haah too funny! At this point the whole place was so packed and it was like a fair but such a fun atmosphere with so many different cultures combined. It was really cool to be there and im so excited to go back in the future!! We chatted with lots of different locals and hung out until like 4:30 and then we headed back to our houses! We grabbed a bday cake and cards for the bday people then went and showered and chilled till dinner. All of us met up at the pizza place down the road from our house called Debonairs and we ordered food then went back to Highstead and ate as a little family and sang happy bday and did cake. All in all this weekend was SO MUCH FUN! Great food and friends in this amazing city, I seriously cant believe I got student loans to come and have this much fun! J Safe fun of course!

July 26, 2010

FIRST DAY OF SENIOR YEAR AT UCT!!! J Today was awesome!! Possibly the best first day of school ever!! I got up really early because I had no clue where my classes were so I had to get to campus like an hour early! It all worked out and I was on time to all three! Which by the way my schedule is amazing this semester!! Classes at 11, 12 and 2 mon- wed & then 11 and two on Thursday & then just 2 on Friday J Senior year is going to be epic, I can feel it lol! First of all I LOVE my first class I went to, game theory, not only because my professor is beautiful and I want to marry him, but he seems like a really cool teacher & the class seems like it will be a lot of fun! We are even going to be learning about evolutionary game theory among different animals!! My second class, Understanding Gender, seems awesome! The teacher is this adorable little lady who hops around class really excitedly! She seems like she is a really cool teacher & the course sounds like it is going to be a blast to learn about! I sat next to this really nice girl today too, sadly I forgot her name L but hopefully ill see here again tomorrow! Oh by the way there are like 150-200 kids in all my classes, which is def a first for me because AC’s classes are usually like 15-20 kids max!! But I really like the auditorium type classes! I met a few Arcadia people for lunch at 1. We ate at the food court in the middle of upper campus & the food was delish as usual lol! I have my third class, Development Economics with Leya and Chris from Arcadia so that’s cool! Our teacher is from Zimbabwe and he seems really smart & did his phd in Development Econ so I think this will be a really cool class & I hopefully will learn a lot! I felt so at home today in classes, like I was definitely in the right spot at the right point in time. It sounds lame and silly but today I finally felt right… like I knew that this is exactly what I should be doing! I am SO glad I decided to come to SA and take classes, I know that this semester is going to be great! I am so excited to go to classes tomorrow, its weird lol!

After school I did a little grocery shopping & attempted to buy school supplies but Pick-N-Pay doesn’t have that great of a selection, so ill just have to buy stuff tomorrow at the school store! Oh ya I bought a UCT sweat shirt today too J its adorable… to bad it was $50 US dollars L kinda expensive… but I really wanted it so ill just eat pb & j for a week to make up for it lol! After grocery shopping, Leya and I went to the gym we joined & did an ab attack class!! It was a lot of fun & im glad I finally got a work out in!!

1 comment:

  1. yayayay!! im glad you like it and you feel like you belong. i loved reading all your blogs keep them coming


    lol i dont have an accound on any of these so im using chris's AIM name :) love youuuuuu!!
