Thursday, September 30, 2010

Kayaking in Hermanus with WHALES :)

Saturday September 25, 2010
Genius me hit the snooze on my phone and fell back asleep when i was supposed to be up at 7am because the bus was picking us up outside at 7:30am... at 7:36 my phone started buzzing again and when I put two and two together I had to fly out of bed, throw everything in a bag and run downstairs where the bus driver and everyone else was waiting on my roommate and I.. Woops!! She overslept as well so it wasn't just me haha. After we got situated we started driving for about an hour and then we got to the Genandendal museum. It was really a cool place still set up from the early `1700s and it was a beautiful day outside! We learned about Genandendal in our Core Class so it was cool to see. After the museum tour they took us outside and we got in these little huts.. pretty cool! After the tour over they took us into the adorable little town of Greyton where we had a speedy lunch because we had to get back on the bus asap to get to Hermanus to go Kayaking!! WOW Hermanus was beautiful! I couldn’t bring my camera with me down to the water because I didn’t want it to get ruined from the water while we were Kayaking! Luckily Arcadia paid a professional photographer to take our photos while we were kayaking so the problem of no pics avoided!! Since I woke up in a frenzy this morning I completely forgot to put a change of clothes in my bag so I thought I was going to have to be soaked the whole way home after kayaking, but thankfully the nice people there had an extra pair of board shorts that they let me borrow... and boy were they stylish haha!! KIDDING! But the Kayaking was so cooL! I have never done it before so it was neat to have my first time in the middle of the ocean with Whales!! We saw about 3 different whales for the hour that we were on the water! WOW were they beautiful & HUGE!!! We couldn’t get very close, but still close enough to see them come out of the water a bit! I was in the front of the kayak doing all the work… just kidding, my partner Reza was in the back doing equally as much work. I’d say we were a good team, did not flip once thank goodness because the water was pretty chilly! When some of the waves would come over the top of the kayak it was a nice little wake up splash haha. All in all the kayaking was really fun & Hermanus was awesome! We walked around the little market after we got out of the water while the second group went out. All of us were pretty tired so we went back to the bus and napped until the other group finished & then we headed back home! What a cool way to spend a Saturday in Cape Town!!

1 comment:

  1. So pleased you enjoyed Hermanus! Hope you'll be back to explore more of the Overberg.
