Monday, February 21, 2011

Cliff Jumping & Abseiling off a mountain :)

:) So two saturdays ago we payed $100 for a full day of hiking, cliff jumping, and abseiling!! It was awesome!!! We left around 7am to eat breakfast with our tour guides... we were given the low down and our pack lunches and began our hike around 8am through a place near Gordan's bay! It took us about an hour to get to the cliffs in the middle of the beautiful gorge! The weather was SO HOTT that day too, but beautiful as always, needless to say we were stoked when we made it and were able to jump in the crystal clear gorge pools! The cliff we jumped off of was abotu 7meters which is roughly 20ft :) ya i know we are pretty BA ;) just kidding but it was pretty scary looking over the edge lol. After about an hour we continued our hike which took another hour and a half and then we were harnessed up and propelled ourselves down the side of a 70meter mountain side with rope one by one! IT WAS SO COOL!!! Half way down we were in a waterfall and the view was GORGEOUS :D it took about 3-4hours before everyone finished.. my friend Kyle and i were the first ones to go so when we finished we took naps on the rocks next to the other gorge pool catching a fantastic tan! When everyone finished we hiked back to the place and had dinner then they brought us all back home! It was a long but awesome day! So now i can cross cliff jumping & abseiling down a mountain off my bucket list!! Sky diving is next (sorry mom) ;)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

First week back at Varsity :)

Wow what a week! Monday was my last first day of undergrad EVER… ah when did I get so old?! First day was a bit of a mess though, I read the board wrong and though my class was at 11 instead of ten so I missed my first marketing 2 class and went to some graduate marketing course and felt like a lost freshman when I over heard the people next me say that this was marketing research haha No worries though it only took 4 days to get everything sorted with switching courses and hopefully next week wont be so hectic. I really like all of my professors so far as well! I have such a weird schedule this semester because each day is different, but at 9am Monday,Tuesday, & Thursday I have an English class with a really funny British professor! He reads stories in all different voices and is always so energetic. I think im going to like his class.. its insane though there are about 700 people in the class!! I have gotten there late everyday so have had to sit on the steps haha. Then I have Marketing 2 which seems like it is going to be really interesting. Both professors seem nice and very smart! I think this will be a good course especially because I am thinking of going to grad school for international marketing ☺ I have that class Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday at ten. For my science with out a lab credit im taking Astronomy Monday through Friday at noon, which seems really cool. I have never taken a class like it and the first week of lectures went well, I already learned so much! My professor seems really nice as well. My fourth class is People Management, which meets Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 2. There are four different professors for the different parts of the course and so far they seem cool as well.

It’s great being back on campus and seeing friends from last semester, and not to mention the weather has been GORGEOUS! It makes campus look even prettier than before which is very hard to believe ☺ After class Friday a group of us piled in a cab and spent the afternoon on the beach, stayed for sunset while eating dinner at this delicious restaurant Cal Cachios. My digs mate Elise and I shared a banana and avo pizza.. mmm my favourite!! Friday night was the night that the moon was the biggest it would be all year. It was so beautiful, bright and humongous haha. Saturday I went with Nix and her boyfriend Gareth to the biscuit mill and had lunch and walked around ☺ love that place! Ah they always have the BEST food!! It was so packed though because it was so nice outside. After we got back I went to the beach again with a few of my digs mates and we layed out of a few hours. There was a live concert at 6pm on the beach and we intended to stay and watch, but we def didn’t come prepared because we didn’t bring any food or drinks haha so as everyone munched on their delish picknicks they packed we all got hungry and left right after the first song lol The band was cool though, I almost wish we would have stayed a little longer but hopefully there will be another one we can go to. I designated today as my first lazy Sunday! Haha I slept in then walked to the lovely pick n pay and did a massive grocery shopping with my other digs mate matt ☺ I also cleaned my room and listened to my new Taylor swift cd about ten times lol Matt is making us baked ziti for dinner YUM! And then it’s Monday again and a new week ahead!! The first home Ikey Tiger Rugby game is tomorrow nigh!! Im so excited because Rugby is like South Africa’s football, so im sure this is going to be crazy! Can’t wait! Hope everyone has a fab week!! Chat soon ;) xx

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cape Town, Round 2

Hi all :)

First of all I would like to apologize for the terrible job of keeping this blog updated … So im going to try and start over ☺ and actually keep up with it this time… sorry agan :/
Here goes…

So it’s been 5 crazy/amazing/epic/wonderful months since my last post.. Instead of making this thing 6billion pages ill spare you and just give you a quick summary of some of the things that I was very lucky to be able to do:

Hiking table mountain, biking through a national park, going to Zambia/Zimbabwe/Botswana for ten days- white water rafting, petting lions, going on two safaris, having a herd of elephants walk across the road, touring vic falls, sun set cruise from our beautiful resort with my best friends, living in Durban for 2 months learning how to be a proper South African ;) .. Having mom & Gary & Lynne Jason & the girls visit for 6weeks taking a week vaca to Cape Town doing wine tours & petting cheetas..then back to Durban for Christmas in the sun, spending New Years in Cape Town – driving to Joburg then Durban then Mozam in 2days… going to Mozambique for a week jetskiing, scuba diving and living on the beach… then getting back to Cape Town Jan 27th to meet my new roommates … (Hopefully you all know by now that I extended my semester to a year abroad)

In a nutshell there you go ☺ would have loved to elaborate more but it would honestly take a year. The photos do more talking that words ever can ☺

So here I am about to start my second semester in paradise. At the moment it is snowing like a heaven in Texas while I have spent the last 3days on the beach … very ironic!! Last semester was absolutely amazing and I am so thankful and lucky that I was able to do so many amazing things while I was in beautiful Africa! As of now I have visited 6 African countries, bungee jumped the highest bridge in the world, rode an elephant, pet a lion & a cheetah, cage dive with Great white sharks, kayaked with whales in hermanus, white water rafted on the Zambezi river, hiked two mountains, had a safari truck be stampeded by an angry elephant, watched a heard of elephants walk across the street in Botswana, watch giraffes walk along the side of the road in Zambia, scuba dive in Mozambique with sea turtles and the biggest parrot fish I have ever seen, been to a proper South African 21st, made some of the best friends I have ever had & be apart of a real South African family learning how to say Pardon instead of What ;) (Thank you so so much DeRicquebourg family, yall are amazing)… im sure that there is more I am just forgetting it because I was a bad blogger and never kept track haha. But honestly last semester changed my life and allowed me to experience things I never in my wildest dreams thought I would do. I really had the absolutely time of my life and am so excited I am able to spend 6 more months here! Last semester flew by and im sure this one will as well, so I am going to try and make the most of my time here! I miss my friends and family dearly but thankfully skype has made staying in touch relatively easy. Recently found out that my sister Brittany is coming to visit in March!! SO very excited for that, cannot wait to see her and show her around beautiful Cape Town.
So far, I love all my new room mates and new kids in the program… everyone seems really nice & our new digs (house) is awesome!! I am really happy I decided to stay another semester ☺ Registered for my last semester of classes yesterday & start school Feburary 14th!! Hopefully the next update wont be in 5months ;) xx